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Updated about 9 months ago


Updated about 9 months ago

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(U) Unfinished ?No significant accomplishments.     (B) Beaten ?The main objective has been accomplished. Usually marked by the defeat of a final boss and/or viewing of credits.     (C) Completed ?For games which are 100% done. All extras and modes have been unlocked and finished. All significant items have been collected.
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about 2 weeks ago

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
That’s okay, I apologise too for taking a while to get back to you. That’s okay, no worries. Aw that’s a shame about cancelling your trip to Japan, hopefully you can go next year. Things have been fine thank you, a little hectic - a little frustrating that I haven’t done as much gaming as I would have liked, I’ll never complete my backlog at this rate!

Thank you. Aw I’m sorry to hear that, I hated that feeling of Covid, it’s so horrible. I did get sick not that long ago and I felt like the medicines I usually use weren’t cutting it.

Ah I get tempted to buy more games, especially when they’re on sale. I think so too, my problem is getting half way through an RPG and not finishing it, this time I’m starting to think I’ll really try to just go back to it rather than starting all over again later. Same here, I only ended up getting Rebirth which I’m right at the end boss but still not completed it.

Yeah I found FFXVI a bit like that but I hope to carry on with it at some point. Aw that’s a shame! I’ll have to have a look at Last Faith, it sounds interesting! That’s good you enjoy RE4, it’s a series that I can never really put down, their games are just so entertaining. Yes I finish Wild Arms, it was pretty good, I’m looking forward to playing the rest in the series. Alundra is so good! I love the music as well!

Thank you! That’s okay, no worries!
about 4 months ago

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games

That’s okay, I did wonder whether things were okay with you or perhaps life got busy like it can sometimes. That’s okay, sorry you had health issues, I hope you’re feeling better.

No worries, I do really appreciate the thought. I ended up going to his grave with my mum and sister, we placed flowers down. I just tried to keep busy that day, it’s strange to think it was over a year ago.

Thank you, I hope you had a good Christmas too considering your chest infection. Aw thank you and I hope you had a good new year.
about 5 months ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
Don't even worry about it. Especially because your health issues. I am just happy to hear from you. I hope you recover asap. Being sick is awful.

I have a problem where I accept blame when it is not my fault. Was caused by my aunt. She convinced me I caused her to miscarry by being born. I felt guilty for being alive because of her.

They didn't fire me for being sick, they fired me because I didn't make rate and did terrible. But I did so bad because I was sick, There was a 3 times a year not making rate rule that is automatic termination which sucked. Still working at the job I hate. Having a hard time finding a new job. What sucks is I never get enough hours. I am off until the 2nd with no pay. I ended up not going to the specialist because I didn't really wanna spend my day off at a doctor which was very dumb of me.Yeah it was Bray Wyatt, he was one of my favorites. It sucked hearing that. It took me completely by surprise. Some unfortunately die so young. Apparently Covid exacerbated his heart issues.

Hope you still can go. Japan is a dream trip for me. I hope you have as much fun as my friend did. Depression can really be soul draining. I didn't play again until recently. Ended up putting a lot of hours into Dragon Quest VII and beat Xenogears. Depression still affected me though. Especially since my grandma did her yearly tradition of buying everyone including pets a gift except for me and my cat. It bugged me more than it should have.

I hope you feel better soon and looking forward to hearing from you. My xmas was okay. Hoping new years is better.

No need to be sorry, I am always just glad to get a response no matter how long it takes
about 7 months ago (edited)

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
That’s okay!

Yeah that’s what I’ve been thinking, there’s quite a few games that I’ve been meaning to play that I haven’t got around to, particularly RPG’s. I love them but the length of them can put me off as I don’t want to quit halfway through and forget where I am! I’m bad for it! You’re welcome, wow not long!

Thank you it was a lovely day. That’s pretty good! I always think how nice it is for people that live close to a beach. Thank you! It bought something positive from it. I can’t believe that in just over 2 weeks it’ll be a year since he passed, it’s so strange - the year has felt stretched out but has come around fast..if that makes sense?

Yeah I’m eager to try Soul Hackers. I hope you manage to complete FFVII, it’s one of my favourite games of all time so would be no problem for me haha! Problem is I’m always tempted to give it another play but I have other RPG’s I want to play, I’m eager to finally complete FFVIII and FFIX, The Legend of Dragoon and Chrono Cross. I’ve probably got halfway through Chrono Trigger about 4 times and never completed it, which is crazy as it’s a pretty short RPG!

That’s a cute name for your cat! Yeah hay is pretty easy to get where I am, as I live in the countryside there’s a few horse shops so if need be I can pick some up from there too.

Unfortunately no but hopefully I’ll pick it back up again at some point, I was enjoying it to some extent but think I got a bit blown out from it - I don’t always like it when they stretch out games and pad them too much with side quests etc. Some of them have been fun but I just find fetch quests etc can become pretty chore like after a while. Yeah that is a long time for a Castlevania game!

Yeah I will play the DLC but I’ve heard some comments from people saying it wasn’t very good? I’ll still play it though. I haven’t got RE4 yet but I’ll definitely get it as some point! I imagine they would if they’ve remade the others, would be pretty interesting! At the moment I’m playing Wild Arms which I’m enjoying! It’s annoying because I feel like it’s taking me forever to complete.

Thank you I had a wonderful birthday!
about 8 months ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
Honestly it was hard for all of us. For awhile I felt like it was my fault for causing stress.

It's really okay, especially I have taken a long time to reply as well.

I might see a specialist about my knee mainly because every once in awhile the pain comes back. I think it might just be something I have to deal with now. I ended up losing my job. I got sick and that caused some issues and then they let me go. I found a new job but I have been there for almost 3 months and I kinda hate the job. A professional wrestler who was one of my favorites actually got covid and it made his heart condition worse and he passed away from a heart attack. He was only 36. So I wish people took it seriously.

Definitely easier said than done. But I have to. Thank you I appreciate that.

I am hoping they eventually go back to them. I played and Loved Future Redeemed. It felt like a love letter to the first game. It also gave me questions that I still am wondering about. I was really surprised by the Super Mario RPG announcement. But yeah would love a xenogears remake or chrono trigger. As soon as I have money I will buy baten kaitos. I really am curious about it.

It's funny you and my other friend both are having a trip to Japan around the same time. I hope you have a great time. Honestly I'd like to work at home. I wouldn't feel overwhelmed by the amount of people. Good you have a GM like that.

I didn't yet because I had not been playing anything for awhile. Depression and stress made it hard to. I still want the game though. I am interested in pikmin 4. I just wish I had money right now. So many games I want. I want a ps5 as soon as I can afford one. Especially since I want FF7Rebirth. I hope they save the game, because it looks so bad. The Captain Boomerang thing really rubbed me the wrong way.

about 9 months ago

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games

That’s okay no worries and same here, apologises for the late reply.

Thank you! That’s okay. Wow I know what you mean, I’m really trying to hold off buying anymore games unless they’re ones I know I really want to play, it’s usually deals that get me but I’m being good. You’re welcome, that’s good you’re still getting to go away.

Thanks and I think so too. The meet up with the family was really nice, we went out for dinner and after we went to the nearby country park, it was a hot day so it was a bit busy but it was nice. I also took part in a sponsored walk with some of my family to raise money for the hospice my dad was at, the atmosphere was really good and there was a lot of people there, it took just over 2 hours to walk it. I’ll definitely do it again next year! Yeah they soon grow!

Oh I see that’s a shame. That’s good, I’ve been hearing a lot about soul hackers 2, I might get it at some point. Thanks I hope so! I’ve now decided not to restart games, there’s a few rpgs I’ve played hours on and stopped and deleted the save, I just think it’s hours wasted so I’m just going to pick them up.

Just names I like, it’s funny as nearly all my pets have human names and it was not intentional either, haha! Yeah they’re pretty easy, I notice I go through a lot of hay as they get loads twice a day as it needs topping up in the evening too.

Yes I’ve been playing FFXVI, I’m about just over 60% through it. I’ve just took a bit of a break as there’s quite a few side quests etc and just felt needed a break from it. I’m enjoying it but it feels quest heavy (not like you have to). That’ll be good! Yeah you would think they’d do Castlevania!

Yeah it definitely is. I’m currently playing Resident Evil Village, I’m pretty much at the end of the game. I’ve really enjoyed it and it reminds me so much of RE4! I’m wondering what they’re going to do for the next one?

That’s okay!
about 12 months ago

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
That’s okay no worries! I just noticed that it’s my backloggiversary today, I can’t believe I’ve been on here 12 years! It’s kind of sad sometimes when I look at how many games I’ve completed, wish I could finish more in the year. Yes thanks I’m all over it now, hope I don’t catch it again. Sorry you were sick, I hope you’re all better. Sorry your computer broke, hopefully the money for Japan can be gained back soon.

I’m okay thank you. It would of been my dads birthday last week so I bought him a nice vase for flowers to put on his grave. Meeting up with the family soon to celebrate what would of been his birthday, catch up etc. Yes been able to spend time with my sister and my nephew, it’s really nice when I can, he’s growing so quick!

Aw that’s a shame, how come the DS version is better? I’ve played a bit of it and it seems interesting so far, unfortunately I did my usual and dropped it! Hopefully I’ll get back to it at some point. It’s always finding what game I’m in the mood for, it’s the same with films. Yeah I think so too, it’s the usual way of Nintendo making their money.

I’ve named my guinea pigs Penelope and Delilah, they’re very sweet. Not really, just the usual cleaning out routines, they do have to have veg every day which is no biggie, I’ll give them romaine lettuce and sweet peppers. Sometimes I give them watermelon as a treat or corn on the cob, they’re very spoilt!

Yes the weather here has turned lovely, it was quite hot today, I thought it was going to get sunburnt! I burn easy so I have to be careful. I’m like that, I feel in the winter I just want to wrap up warm, I’m an early bird but getting up in the winter I just don’t look forward to. I’d imagine so, yes. Wow bet that was interesting for your cousin!

I didn’t get RE4 but I might at some point, I know I’m definitely going to get Final Fantasy XVI, I really hope it’s good! Wow I love a good steel book, I actually have the RE4 PS2 steel book which I got for really cheap yonks ago! Have you got a new tv now? I noticed they’re remaking Metal Gear Solid games too!

Yes definitely! No I haven’t managed to play any of the Zero Escape games, hopefully at some point.

Blue Reflection is turn based but I feel like you have to be quick and make judgements on how to damage the enemies, you can go on dates but I haven’t got that far yet.

That’s okay no worries!
about 1 year ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
Yeah thankfully it is fine now for the most part. Some days it does act up though. Unfortunately I didn't and got in trouble for it. But I had to stay home, doctors orders were to stay off my knee. People really don't care now. That sucks she couldn't see her mom that day. It's like people think it is a non issue when it will be years before we know the full extent of the virus.

I am in the process of moving on. I can't blame you for still thinking about her. I know it is the best thing to do. Move on and hopefully find a person who wants me.

Unfortunately she lost the baby. Been a rough month.

It definitely isn't the same. But yeah the mechs in X were so cool. Them being cars too was cool. But the first flight was so great. Traveling that vast world in a flying mech was one of the best experiences for me. I am really liking it even if it is buggy. The story is pretty good and the ideas are interesting. I wanna finish it asap though.I want a remaster badly. Maybe 2DHD like Live a Live which I want. Thanks!! I am sure I will like it tbh. Monolith Soft makes games I love.

A trip to Japan sounds awesome. hope you can do it. But you did need a pc especially if it was for work. Sales make it hard to not buy stuff. I haven't played the demo but plan on. Gotham Knights is a game I will get as soon as I get a ps5. It sounds fun. But yeah I hope they fix suicide squad. Making a character called captain boomerang use guns is boring to me. Yeah you can save cameos. It is one of my treasures now.
about 1 year ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
I ended up spraining my knee. The bus had an abrupt stop and I hit my knee hard, then my nephews that week put a broom between the couch and it made me trip and fall knee first into the hard part of the couch. I had to miss work for a week because of that. They don't report here either, people act like it doesn't exist now. It bothers me people coughing on the bus not caring they could get people sick, people don't learn sadly.

Moving on really is the only way for me tbh. Part of me wishes she'll come back but the reality is she won't. Things are over. She is happy and I have to move on or I will be stuck on her.

Pretty much and now she might be pregnant too. So lots of stuff going on

I wish they did have mech. Only that one character Segiri in 3 has a mech, my favorite part of X was the mech if I am being honest. Especially with playing xenogears, makes me wish the next one has mechs you can pilot. I definitely will get the remasters then,tbh I felt hesitant because the card battles but you got me very interested again.

How has everything been recently? Yeah I hope this year is good but also hope I can make my backlog goal. Yeah the reception was pretty bad. I hope they do make changes. I do want Gotham Knights tbh, looks like I'd enjoy it. The Cameo is now precious to me. I have it saved. Glad you're having fun with Forza. Those are valid complaints. I do prefer 2's combat. I did enjoy it more than you but it definitely does have its flaws. I am curious in the prequel now
about 1 year ago

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
That’s okay no worries, I have COVID too! I hope you’re feeling better, your lucky to have avoided it for so long. This is my second time having it, have bad headache, congested nose and fatigue.

You’re welcome. Thank you, I believe it’ll take time but I still feel in disbelief sometimes.

That’s good! I went for mainly exclusive games like Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey as we never got physical copies. Yes I think so too!

Yes they’re very fancy! Definitely, always something! I recently adopted two New Guinea pigs to join my two, they’re very sweet! Much easier than fish but very demanding haha!

Nice! I can’t wait for summer! Our weather is getting warmer now, our clocks changed so we have lighter nights (does Australia do that?) as before it’d be dark by 5 o’clock. Wow that sounds nice, bet she had a cosy Christmas but a strange one like you say!

I think so too! I hasn’t realised that Resident Evil 4 is already out, I’m very tempted and I’m hearing good things!

Yes Doki Doki is dark, I’ve only played a bit so the parts I got to were unnerving but still a lot to get through! That’s a good bundle! I think I have mine on the PSN store as I got mine on sale too.

Thank you! I got a PS4 game that I asked for called Blue Reflection Second Light, it has been good so far and didn’t from other RPGs on the system. I’m glad you had a good Christmas!

That’s okay no worries! Sorry for my delay also!
Mark it beaten, Dude.